Team Leader/Mentor

Who am I?

Hi I'm Tom, a proud Mentor of Beyond Mentoring SA for the past 3 years. My hobbies include footy, basketball, soccer, video games, and fishing. Camping is a passion, and I seize every opportunity to embrace the outdoors. A devoted supporter of Adelaide's sports scene, I'm a huge fan of the Adelaide Crows and Adelaide United, attending as many games as possible. With a bright and bubbly personality, I bring boundless energy and an eagerness to explore new experiences. Known for my soft-natured demeanour, I thoroughly enjoy meeting new people and am committed to guiding individuals out of their comfort zones to achieve their goals. Growing up with a younger brother with a disability has provided me with invaluable life experiences, shaping me into the person I am today.

Why this role?

Following the passing of my younger brother, I felt a calling to work in the disability sector, a cause close to my heart. Knowing my brother never had the chance to benefit from a mentor, I committed myself to giving back and supporting as many individuals as possible on their unique journeys.