Bradeyn H.

Who am I?

Hey, I'm Braedyn. I thrive on team sports and have a passion for leading from the front, helping others realise their potential. Staying active is a big part of my life, whether it's going for walks, runs, or pushing my limits at the gym. I enjoy assisting individuals in various areas of life, including hitting the gym, improving their health, learning new skills and building independence. 

Why this role?

I became a mentor in early 2023 and haven't looked back. My decision to enter this line of work stems from personal experiences of being a role model for my community and, more specifically, for my cousin living with an intellectual disability.

Seeing the positive impact I can make on the community, helping individuals achieve their goals, pushing their limits, and being part of amazing experiences is incredibly fulfilling. As I believe "Everyone has something to contribute to this world. It's just a matter of being given that opportunity to do so." - Grace Hightower