Disability Mentoring

Developing Capacity, Building Capability

Established NDIS Service Provider since 2020.

Discover a path by redefining challenges and overcoming obstacles through Mentoring.

At Beyond Mentoring SA, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to connect, thrive, and succeed. Our commitment goes beyond conventional mentoring – it's about creating a safe space where abilities are celebrated, and belief is created.

Get Started

Our Mentoring

Our dedicated team of experienced mentors are committed to your growth, well-being and success.

Navigating Life's Challenges, With Genuine Support

Individuals with disabilities face unique challenges often overlooked by others. Let's talk about these challenges and how they may affect these areas.

Health and Wellness

Imagine a daily battle - dealing with physical pain, managing energy levels, and navigating emotional ups and downs. For those with disabilities, each day brings its share of challenges, making daily life a struggle. Our mentoring is here for you, offering a supportive plan to handle the physical and emotional obstacles, paving the way towards overall wellbeing.

Social Connections

In the world of social interactions, individuals with disabilities might feel like they're trying to find the right notes in a symphony. Conversations can be tough, and there's the struggle against social stigma and isolation, We get it, Our mentoring dives into social dynamics, providing personalised support to build confidence, create real connections, and break through barriers that hinder meaningful relationships.


Independence can feel like climbing a big hill when everyday tasks become tough battles. From moving around to daily life skills, the road to self-sufficiency may seem full of challenges. Our mentoring steps into this story, understanding the challenges of dependence. We're here to give personalised support, helping you cultivate essential life skills and empowering you to overcome challenges and redefine independence in your own way.

Genuine Connections
Actively Engaged
Strive For Growth

Mentoring Through A Holistic Approach

Experience mentoring through a holistic lens. Our approach encompasses the complete well-being of individuals, guiding them toward personal growth, resilience, genuine connection and success. Discover support that addresses mind, body, and soul

Health and wellbeing shape every aspect of life, from physical vitality to emotional stability. A positive lifestyle boosts productivity, happiness, and overall quality of life.

Learn essential skills that empower self-sufficiency, boost confidence, and enhance your capacity for a rich and fulfilling life. Elevate your independence and thrive in every aspect of your life.

Connecting with others builds a support network, enhances well-being, and opens doors to new opportunities. Active engagement fosters a sense of belonging, contributing to a richer, more meaningful life.

Together, these pillars create a harmonious balance, unlocking your potential for living your BEST LIFE - Health and Well-being lay the foundation, fostering physical vitality and mental clarity. Independent living skills empower you to navigate daily challenges confidently, promoting self-sufficiency. Engaging in social and community participation adds the vital element of connection, completing the circle for a well-rounded and balanced life.

Why Choose Mentoring?

Breaking Down Barriers

One of the greatest benefits of having a mentor is the ability to break down seemingly overwhelming challenges into manageable steps. For some, when living with a disability, the path to success may appear daunting. A mentor, however, acts as a skilled navigator, helping you break tasks into tiny, achievable steps. With their guidance, the mountain becomes manageable, and every step forward is a victory.

Discover New Perspectives

Mentors are like prisms that refract light, revealing new perspectives you might not have considered. Living with a disability often requires innovative approaches and creative problem-solving. A mentor brings fresh insights and experiences. broadening your understanding and helping you find unique solutions to your challenges. Their guidance opens doors to possibilities you might not have seen on your own.

Find Ease in Difficulty

Hard tasks become easier when faced with the right support. A mentor not only provides encouragement but also shares in the load, making difficult tasks feel more manageable, They offer a steady hand, empowering you to overcome obstacles and providing the necessary support to navigate the complexities that may arise.

A Support System for All

We all need support to achieve our goals, regardless of our abilities. A mentor becomes more than a guide; they become a pillar of strength, understanding, and encouragement. In a world that sometimes underestimates the capabilities of those with disabilities, a mentor stands as an advocate and supporter, amplifying your voice and ensuring your goals are seen as achievable.

Having a mentor is not a sign of weakness; rather, it's a testament to strength - the strength to seek guidance, the strength to face challenges head-on, and the strength to forge a path uniquely your own. At Beyond Mentoring SA we believe in the transformative power of mentorship for individuals with disabilities. Join us on a journey where goals become milestones, challenges become triumphs, and success is not just envisioned but achieved. Because, with the right guidance, every step forward is a step toward living your best life.

Discover Our 
7 Step Action Plan

Discovery Session

The Discovery Session is our initial meeting. This session is a two-fold journey: a mutual exploration to ensure that we are the right fit and an opportunity to deep dive into identifying your goals and current obstacles. Together, we lay the groundwork for a collaborative and purposeful journey.

Match the Mentor

Ensuring it's the right fit: A crucial step in our process is matching you with the right mentor. We understand the importance of compatibility, ensuring a strong and supportive partnership that fosters and maintains trust, growth and friendship.

Engage in Trial sessions

2-3 sessions to support choice and control of the participant - Experience mentoring firsthand with trial sessions. This phase allows you to assess the compatibility and effectiveness of the mentorship, putting you in control of your journey.

Service agreement

Once the perfect match is found, we formalise the commitment with a Service Agreement. This document outlines the terms, ensuring clarity and transparency in our partnership.

Formulate a success plan

Together, we craft a Success Plan tailored to your goals and aspirations. This roadmap becomes your guide, outlining the steps we'll take to achieve success and overcome challenges.


In this pivotal step, we strive to come together as one cohesive team. We collaborate closely with allied health therapists and informal supports, pooling our collective expertise to dial into your evolving needs. This collaborative approach ensures a comprehensive understanding of your journey, allowing us to tailor the Success Plan dynamically and effectively. Our commitment to supporting you on a holistic level ensures that every aspect of your plan is in alignment.

Feedback and Tailor

As we progress, we regularly revisit and tailor your Success Plan. Here your feedback is invaluable to us. We actively seek and use your input to refine our actions and ensure ongoing alignment with your needs. This step reinforces our commitment to a flexible, participant-centered approach.


What Others Have To Say

Discover why participants and their support networks trust Beyond Mentoring SA.

Take the first step towards unlocking your potential and achieving your goals by joining Beyond Mentoring SA today.

© 2023 Beyond Mentoring SA. All rights reserved.

Beyond Mentoring SA acknowledges and pays respects to the traditional custodians of the land, the Kaurna people. We recognise their enduring connection to this land and express gratitude for their stewardship over generations past, present and emerging.

In support of diversity, inclusion, and equality, Beyond Mentoring SA proudly stands as an ally for the LGBTQ+ community. Let us continue to foster a world where everyone is embraced, celebrated, and free to express their authentic selves without fear of judgement.